You know how the saying goes, "Where God closes a door, He opens a window."
While I don't necessarily prescribe to this idea exactly, I do believe that when God closes the door of opportunity for one thing, He brings about another opportunity that's just as good and more often than not, BETTER, than the other thing!
Somehow the usage of the word "window" puts it in my head that the next thing is smaller or lesser than the former or that it is "not as good" as the door would have been. So I guess if I were to re-coin the phrase, I might say something like,
"Where God closes a door, He opens another." ... But that's just me!
Anyway, as many of you may or may not know, I have been wanting to return to Latin America ever since I spent time living in Costa Rica two years ago. Finally, the door to do so opened...or so I thought! In fact, I sent out lots of letters asking people to help me get there by supporting me through prayer and finances for a short-term trip in July.
The trip has been canceled. I am not going back to Latin America...yet, anyway. I still believe I will, which is a story for another blog post, but for now the important news is that my trip to El Salvador is not happening.
So there's the closed door ... and now for the open one.
I am going HOME! After 6 years of being away, I am returning to the great Northwest!!!!
I plan to move to Seattle, specifically, where I can be near my family, super close to lots of friends, and hopefully find a full-time job to pay the bills in the midst of being near so many that I love!
I'll write more about the move home as details progress, but I especially wanted to let you all know that the trip to El Salvador is off the "up and coming" list!
For all those who've already sent support (that I won't be needing) ... thank you! And to those who were thinking about it but hadn't quite gotten around to it ... thank YOU for your desire to help out. I'm sure the time will come when I'll rally your support once again.
Love to all,