Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Book of Oops - Chapter One

Okay, so my Mom inspired me to do this. I told her about something rather embarrassing that happened to me yesterday (which happens a lot when you're trying to learn a second language) and her wise response:

I bet you'll have a whole book of oops by the time you leave there!

Oh how right she is! And sooo.....I decided to document them for your laughing pleasure. Stay tuned for further entries. There will DEFINITELY be more chapters written in this book!

  1. Told my Tico brother I liked his body instead of his HAIR (which is what I meant to say)
  2. Said that a girl records her mouth instead of her voice (also what I MEANT to say)
  3. Called an enpanada (food) an impliada (maid)...seeing a trend?
  4. Somehow managed to knock my bathroom sink off of the wall!

Oh the joys! You gotta have a sense of humor to survive living in culture other than your be able to laugh at yourself is an absolute must!


Rachel said...

Yay! I get to be the first to comment. Okay, a bathroom sink? Your stories never cease to amaze me, my friend. I miss our times of laughter together. Hope to talk to you soon!

(j)bean said...

Excelente, Daniela. Mas divertad. Quiero escribir uno libro con tu historias.

Te amo, JB

Zoe said...

How about the time I told my friend that in order for him to get me a drink i'de need a "beso". Yeah, I was trying to say "vaso" (cup) but instead ended up telling him I needed a kiss. And they call me a missionary?

ginaerickson said...

This is HILARIOUS! You gotta keep these up! Hahahaha!