In my last blog I mentioned that God would be taking me home to my favorite city in this vast country...SEATTLE!!!! And, just as I have since I was a young girl, I've already started counting down the days until I board a jet plane to return to the place my heart has longed to be for some time now.
June 9th is the day, and in case you're already trying to do the math in your head and count down with me, let me help you out...38 days. 38 days until I am home.
I also promised in my last note that I would keep you informed about details as they progress, and there is much to share since my last blog post! I don't know what your experience with the leadership of Jesus is like, but for me, when I purpose to seek His guidance and then obey it when He gives it, He provides EVERYTHING I need in order to take the next steps on our journey together as Father and daughter.
This move to Seattle has been nothing different! God is providing in amazing ways!!
First, He brought me a job... I will be teaching summer school with Seattle's Union Gospel Mission. I will have 25-35 third, fourth, and fifth graders who are considered "at risk" for not graduating high school based on their current trends, and spend 2 1/2 months praying for them, laughing with them, loving on them... and while we're busy having fun, we'll work on some Math, Reading, and Grammar to help give them more confidence in the upcoming school year.
Next, He provided a place for me to live... I will be renting a studio apartment in downtown Seattle right near the Space Needle! Rent's a total steal AND some of my closest friends live on the same street! Another plus... the church I'll be attending, Horizon Foursquare, is right across the street. But it doesn't end here...
I brought my car out here to Oklahoma from California and decided that I just didn't want to make the drive from Yukon to Seattle alone. It would cost a lot more money to drive than to fly, and it seemed like a smarter move to sell my car. So... I listed my car on Craig's list on Friday night, and by 2:00 on Saturday afternoon someone was driving it down the road!! My car sold within 13 hours!!!!
So, the move is 38 days away and I have a job, a place to live, and just about $1500 saved up to buy things I'll need when I first a BED!
To my Jesus, who is truly everything, thank You for your faithfulness. I love you.
To my friends and family, thank YOU for your support and prayers. You are gifts to me, each of you.
And to Seattle... I'll be seeing you ...soon!
Wow! Good to get an update! Take care, sweet girl, and change lives with the love of Jesus!
I'm so happy for you! We will have to let you know when we visit my parents and see if we can meet up! Oh, and I still have your support letter on my fridge as a reminder to send you some money, but I guess I should just wait till God moves you again, right? Miss you D! And I'm so excited for these new things God is bringing into your life!
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