Monday, December 17, 2007

Words of Introduction

Hello dearest friends and family and WELCOME to my blog. I am so excited about the adventures ahead, and I am thrilled to share them with you! "The Adventures of Danyal" is where you'll find out about what I'm up to, see pictures, discover my prayer needs, and most importantly, make the distance of being far from home seem so much shorter.

Here's other contact case you want it:

Email -

Address -
Danyal Schultze
Instituto De Lengua Espanola
Apartado 100-2350
San Jose, Costa Rica

Ongoing Prayer Needs:
  1. Safety
  2. Strength
  3. Homesickness
  4. Opportunities to Minister
  5. New Friends
  6. Fast Learning of Spanish
Thanks for praying...and stay in touch!

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